Pagets have prepared this health and safety policy with guidance provided by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This General Policy Statement confirms the commitment of Pagets to comply with current legislation and is supported within the main Policy by two further parts; responsibilities and arrangements, together with the monitoring thereof. The Policy also provides information necessary to assist those persons using it to fulfill their obligations.

It is my responsibility together with Company Management to ensure that our working environment is safe, without significant risks and meets the appropriate statutory requirements. It is recognised that all levels of management and employees have a vital role in the implementation and maintenance of our health and safety programme.

It is our policy to reduce accidents, injuries and work-related ill health to the lowest level practicable. Where hazards exist we will evaluate, control and bring these to the attention of our employees. We all have a legal duty to co-operate in all safety related matters, not to endanger others or ourselves and not to misuse anything provided for safety. In particular, all persons are to ensure that appropriate safety rules are followed.

Within the Health and Safety Policy, specific duties have been assigned for the coordination and compliance with particular safety legislation appropriate to our business.

All our employees will be given adequate information and training as is necessary to ensure their safety, during routine, unscheduled and emergency situations, together with the appropriate facilities and equipment.

Risk assessments, audits and general inspections will be undertaken at regular intervals by those trained to do so. This will enable management to identify significant hazards and plan for their elimination, reduction and control.

Our policy will be reviewed annually or when appropriate and the changes will be brought to the attention of all employees.